I was once part of a family, but somehow, I got lost and found myself in the middle of the road in Karen. Thankfully, some kind-hearted Samaritans helped me and brought me to the Nairobi shelter, where I was treated for fleas and dewormed. Now, I'm looking for a new family to call my own.

I'm about 2 years old, a male Kenyan Shepherd with a happy temperament. I'm well-socialized with both people and animals, and I walk well on a lead and even off-lead! I'm still working on my recall and basic obedience, but I'm a quick learner.

I absolutely love going on sniffaris and playing, so I would fit right in with a family looking for a forever companion. Whether you're a first-time pet owner or have had pets before, I'm an easy-going boy who's ready to bring joy to your life. I've been vaccinated, microchipped, and I'll soon be sterilized.

I can't wait to find a loving home where I'll never be lost again!

About The Author


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